Import, export and transfer

JSON import/export

Export weigths to file:

import os
from ngSkinTools2 import api as ngst_api

output_file_name = os.path.join(target_dir, 'export_sample_mesh.json')
ngst_api.export_json("sample_mesh", file=output_file_name)

Import weights from file:

from ngSkinTools2.api import InfluenceMappingConfig, VertexTransferMode

# prerequisites: mesh with skinCluster attached, "sampleMesh" in our case

# configure how influences described in a file will be matched against the scene
config = InfluenceMappingConfig()
config.use_distance_matching = True
config.use_name_matching = False

# run the import


Transfer with default settings: vertices mapped with closestPoint rule, and influences with default settings for mesh-to-mesh transfer (using InfluenceMappingConfig.transfer_defaults()).

from ngSkinTools2 import api as ngst_api

# prerequisites: we have two meshes with skinCluster attached ready
source = "sample_source_mesh"
destination = "sample_destination_mesh"

# normally we would assume that source mesh already has skin layers created,
# but for example's sake, just create some layers on the fly
source_layers = ngst_api.init_layers(source)
l1 = source_layers.add("layer1")
l1.set_weights(0, [1.0] * 4)
l1.set_weights(1, [0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8])
l2 = source_layers.add("layer_two")
l2.set_weights(1, [1, 1, 0, 0])
l3 = source_layers.add("layer3", parent=l1)
l4 = source_layers.add("layer4", parent=l1)

# there is no need to init layers on destination,
# but if destination had layers already, then  transferred layers
# would be created on top of old ones

# so this line is all you need, if you have source mesh ready with skinning layers,
# and destination mesh with skinCluster attached.
ngst_api.transfer_layers(source, destination)

To customize transfer options for vertex and influences mapping:

infl_config = ngst_api.InfluenceMappingConfig.transfer_defaults()
infl_config.use_label_matching = False
infl_config.use_distance_matching = True
infl_config.use_name_matching = False
